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Acquiring the best name for your business use case ensures ALL eyeballs, emails, sales, and mentions directly and exactly all go to YOU. Avoid hyphens, extra words, filler words, slang, abbreviations, and mispellings if at all possible, for the best results (in most cases).

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Top brands own their exact-match domains

Top brands own their exact-match domains

Top well-known companies almost always own the exact match version of their brands, as two-word or three-word .com domains. Enjoy!

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Top brands owning generic domains.

Top brands owning generic domains.

Top companies in the world are acquiring generics or category-defining domains for their expansion and other branding needs.  Enjoy!

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Domain Glossary.

Domain Glossary.

Glossary of common phrases, terms, acronyms, and slang used within the context of domain names and "domaining".  Enjoy!

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