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The "dot com" extension is the globally recognized domain extension, making it ideal for any business or individual.

A "lust bank" is a figurative term used to describe a collection of fantasies or desires that a person mentally stores or cultivates over time. It refers to the reservoir of sexual or romantic fantasies and attractions that someone accumulates in their mind, often without acting upon them in reality. The term implies a repository where these fantasies are mentally deposited or saved, sometimes as a form of mental escapism or as a private realm of imagination.

In some contexts, "lust bank" can also refer to a person's capacity or tendency to fantasize or indulge in sexual desires, separate from actual physical or emotional relationships. It suggests a compartmentalization of sexual or romantic thoughts and desires, distinct from one's real-life interactions or commitments. The concept highlights the complex interplay between fantasy and reality in human sexuality and psychology, where imagination and desire can play significant roles in individual experiences and perceptions of intimacy.

DotCoach™ is a domain name marketplace and technology consulting provider. Domains owned and offered by clients. Not all available domains listed. Not all related digital assets listed. Private auctions by invitation only. Buyer accepts full and sole responsibility for conducting proper due diligence in copyright, patent, and trademark law and assumes all liability thereof. Sales are final.